Hallo selamat sore pecinta film marvel, kembali di halaman website https://tintheater.com/. Seperti biasa mimin dan team tintheater.com akan memberikan sinopsis dan soundtrack pada film marvel. Pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan membahas mengenai film Spiderman across the spider verse. Film spiderman satu ini ialah sambungan dari film Spider-man Into the spider verse. Kalian bisa membaca nya di sini https://tintheater.com/spiderman-into-the-spiderverse/. Baik tanpa berlama – lama lagi mari kita ke sinposis Spiderman Across the spider-Verse berikut ini:

Spiderman Across The Spider – Verse Sinopsis
Setelah miles morales Bersatu kembali dengan gwen stacy,ia datang untuk mengajaknya bertualang ke dalam sebuah misi di multiverse. Spider man ini terlempar ke multiverse yang dimana ia bertemu dengan sekelompok spider – people yang bertugas melindungi keberadaan mereka. Setelah memasuki dimensi berbeda, miles dan gwen di sabut dengan spider society, dan kelompok spider-people yang bermakas di tempat lintas multiverse yang di namakan the lobby. Kelompok itu di pimpin oleh salah satu spider-man 2099 yaitu miguel O’hara.
Baca Sisnopsis Film Indo: https://tmcdn.org/
Tujuan mereka adalah untuk menghentikan supervillain yang bernama the spot. The spot dulu nya ialah seorang ilmuwan yang tubuhnya berubah menjadi hitam putih dan di selimuti portal lintas dimensi. Dia menjadi penjahat yang mengancam stabilitas berbagai semesta. Namun pertemuan antara miles dan spider society dan spider 2099 tidak lah berjalan mulus. Miles menyadari bahwa cara mereka menyelesaikan masalah terlihat janggl dan mencurigakan.
Sikap miles kemudian berubah karena menyadari hal itu. Miles di kejar oleh spider 2099 dan kawanan lainnya yang ada di the lobby itu. Miles dan gwen harus dapat kabur dari kejaran spider socienty sekaligus menghentikan rencana jahat dari the spot, demi menjaga spider verse.
Baca Film Horror: https://gazzettadellasera.com/
Spiderman Across The Spider – Verse Sound Track
I just ca me to my senses (yeah)
I stay in ano ther dimension
Fear is non-existent
Suit up and swing through the city (ooh) (aye)
Annihilate, I’m wide awake, be very afraid (afraid)
I’m in m y own world, give me space
I’m in my own univ erse, give me space (yeah)
Weezy Carter, I’m ’bout to go Peter Parker
I’m Spider-Man, if he ain’t me, he just a creepy crawler
Tunechi spark the lighter, pull up in a new Ferrari spider
Spider web necklace with the diamonds
She’ll turn to Spider-Woman if I bite her
I will not go back and forth with you
I see you got the black widow with you
You should’ve had a black hero with you.
I get an opp-arachnophobia
I’ve been li tty si nce I flicked the lighter
S ince I was an it sy bitsy spider
They’ve been tryna wash the spider out
I got spiders crawlin’ out your mouth, Spide -Verse
l ju st came to my senses (yeah)
I st ay in an other dimen sion.
Fear is non-existent
Suit up and swing through the city (ooh) (aye)
Annihilate, I’m wide awake, be very afraid (afraid)
I’m in my own world, give me space
Im in my own universe, give me space (yeah)
I’m focused, I’m focused (focused)
Im chosen, I’m golden (golden)
I’m stronger, on missions, ain’t no foldin’, a soldier (soldier)
Rekomendasi Hp Untuk Denger Musik: https://reqgadget.com/
My vision persistent, I took the game, it’s over (it’s over)
I made a name, it’s global (it’s global), my enemy pass over (hey)
I took the way to the top, I had to learn to be smart (smart)
l had to move with my heart, keepin’ my eyes on the part
‘Cause it get evil and dark (evil and dark)
I know how to beat ’em, I know to defeat ’em (hey)
Livin’ my life by the moment
Somebody callin’, somebody gon’ need ’em
I just came to my senses (yeah)
Fear is non-existent
Suit up and swing through the city (ooh) (aye)
Annihilate, I’m wide awake, be very afraid (afraid)
I’m in my own world, give me space
I’m in my own universe, give me space (yeah)
Okay, we bounce and shake, we roll and rock
I got to set it straight, the block is hot
Something’s come over me, I hit unlock
And tell my enemies “I’ll never stop”
No, no, nothing can shake me now, aye
Tell the block I made it now
Yeah, the whole town is talking out
I swear, nothing can stop me now
All this boosting all my senses
I shoot my shot, bet I won’t miss it
Only way to go is go the distance
Nothing can shake me now
Nothing can break me down
Tell the whole town, we popping now
Nothing can shake me now
M.W.A. Music
This is unbelievable
This is the lobby
Welcome to Spider Society
Baca Film menarik lainnya: https://kazokugokko.com/
Berikutlah Sinopsis dan soundtrack film Spiderman across the spider – verse. Sekian informasi yang dapat kami berikan, Nantikan terus updatean mengenai film marvel hanya dihttps://tintheater.com/.